College and Career Week

Submitted by Jessica.Root on

We are excited for College and Career Week! Join us in the fun. 

  • Monday: Wear School Spirit shirt
  • Tuesday: Wear your favorite college colors or gear
  • Wednesday: Dress up as your future career
  • Thursday: Wear sunglasses and bright colors
  • Friday: Wear your pajamas

Early Dismissal

Submitted by Jessica.Root on

Wednesday, March 20 is an early out day due to Staff Development. Students will go to lunch an hour early that day, and school will be dismissed at 12:00. Kindergarten AM students will ride the same bus home that they come to school on in the morning. They will ride home the same time as all other grade levels. Please contact your child's teacher if you have further questions.

Resilient You!

Submitted by Jessica.Root on

March is Resilient Utah Month. The following link contains resources that build resilience in children and families. There is also a message from Governor Cox.

Penny Wars: March 4th-7th

Submitted by jill.hanks on

Start searching your couch cushions!  Penny Wars at Mt. Loafer will begin next Monday, March 4th and continue through Thursday.  Each class will have a jar located in the main hallway by the office.  Any money added to the jars will either earn or subtract points.  The grade level with the most points will earn a nacho party!  All funds will go toward the purchase of supplies for our "Cub Camp" wellness room and P.E. class.

Submit a Message to the Uplift Kindness Wall

Submitted by jill.hanks on

The school would like to thank a private donor in supporting us to incorporate a kindness wall at our school. The purpose of the Uplift Kindness Wall is to build positivity within our staff and students, as well as teach our students the impact that positive words have on others. We invite parents to use the link below to submit kind words about the amazing students and staff that we have at our school.  (This link will also have a permanent spot under the "Parents" tab on our website.)

Spring Pictures

Submitted by Jessica.Root on

Don't forget! Mt. Loafer students will have the opportunity to have their Spring Pictures taken on Thursday, February 22nd.  

Lifetouch Picture Day ID: EVT8467G9