Let's Jump!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Mt. Loafer Elementary School helped National Geographic Kids magazine set the Guinness World Records® title for the most people doing jumping jacks in a 24-hour period. To break the record, more than 20,000 people worldwide needed to complete one minute of jumping jacks in events occurring between 3 p.m. October 11, 2011 and 3 p.m. October 12, 2011. Let's Jump!

Box Tops

Submitted by angela.killian on

Gather up all those loose box tops and send them to school!!

The PTA will be gathering Box Tops until Tuesday, October 25th.  The class with the most box tops will be rewarded with a rootbeer float party.  Sounds yummy!!

**We are no longer accepting orders for t-shirts, sweatshirts and/or hoodies. 

Mt. Loafer Elementary Artists

Submitted by angela.killian on

Mt. Loafer Elementary's Art Specialist is Mrs. Tami Wilson. Tami is an important part of the students education experience. She is teaching that artistic education is part of being a well-rounded person. The discipline, creative problem-solving, patience, and productivity that must be used in order to create a piece of art are life skills that anyone can benefit from learning, particularly at an early age.

Writing with Mrs. Turner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

If you have ever wanted to take a good writing class well look no further than Mrs. Turner's class.  I love to sit in her class and listen to her teach about writing.  She begins each lesson with a personal story that she has the students help her revise.  She teaches details, voice, endings, and so many other things.  Then she turns the time over to them and they begin creating their own stories.  Once they are to the point they need revision they write their name on the board and Mrs.

By Mrs. Rudd

Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by angela.killian on

Red Ribbon Week is October 10th - 14th.  The goal of Red Ribbon Week is to provide an opportunity for students and teachers to talk about some of the dangers and risks that are involved with experimentation and prolonged use of drugs and alcohol. 

Here are the activities that are planned for the week:

Grizzly Buck Store

Submitted by angela.killian on

We have come to the end of our first full month of school.  That means it's time for the Grizzly Buck Store.  Hopefully all students have been able to reach the grade level reading requirement.  Each student has the potential of earning three bucks; one for reaching the grade level requirement, an additional buck for each hundred minutes beyond the goal (limit of three).

Each grade level has a different monthly reading requirement:

Parents and Pastries

Submitted by angela.killian on

It is not uncommon for parents to eat breakfast with their children, though they usually do it at home.  But on October 12th, from 8:00-9:00 a.m., we invite you to join us to snack on doughnuts, sip milk, and read stories with your children.  Twice a year, Mt. Loafer's PTA sponsors this event.  The aim is encouraging more parental participation at the school.  This event strengthens the home-school connection, so come join us!! 

Welcome Mr. Talbot

Submitted by angela.killian on

We would like to give a Great Grizzly welcome to our new custodian, Mr. Doug Talbot!!!  Doug and his wife, Jill, live in Spanish Fork, Utah.  They have five children and one grandchild.  Doug has been the head night custodian at Maple Mountain High School for three years.  We are excited to have him join our Mt. Loafer family.  Welcome!!

Shadow Mountain

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
The 5th Grade classes had a wonderful time on Friday, September 23rd at Shadow Mountain. In fact, everyone that went to help had a great time. The Fifth graders experienced throwing tomahawks, shooting soft air guns, make rope, playing old time games, and participate in a team building activity in the rope course. This activity was the funniest one to watch because the entire class had to work together, without talking aloud, and figure out how to get the entire class across the course with only stepping in one square. This activity took students an hour to complete and they stuck with it!