Welcome Mr. Talbot

Submitted by angela.killian on

We would like to give a Great Grizzly welcome to our new custodian, Mr. Doug Talbot!!!  Doug and his wife, Jill, live in Spanish Fork, Utah.  They have five children and one grandchild.  Doug has been the head night custodian at Maple Mountain High School for three years.  We are excited to have him join our Mt. Loafer family.  Welcome!!

Shadow Mountain

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
The 5th Grade classes had a wonderful time on Friday, September 23rd at Shadow Mountain. In fact, everyone that went to help had a great time. The Fifth graders experienced throwing tomahawks, shooting soft air guns, make rope, playing old time games, and participate in a team building activity in the rope course. This activity was the funniest one to watch because the entire class had to work together, without talking aloud, and figure out how to get the entire class across the course with only stepping in one square. This activity took students an hour to complete and they stuck with it!

Landon Clark Hughes' Birthday

Submitted by angela.killian on

On September 21st, 1998 a healthy baby boy was born to Alan and Dayna Hughes.  The Hughes' had been married for 15 years, and, unable to have any children of their own, had already adopted two beautiful girls, Lauren and Mallory.  But, without warning, Landon died in an unfortunate drowning accident.  Dayna and Alan wondered how they could honor their son and keep his memory alive.  They decided to set up a special place in their daughters' school library where children could come to read and relax, and where the love of reading and learning would be encouraged.

Good-bye Mr. Hogan!

Submitted by angela.killian on

On Thursday, September 22nd Mt. Loafer students and staff said goodbye to Mr. Hogan and hello to Mr. Talbot.  How do we say goodbye to an old friend and hello to a new friend in the same minute?  Aloha is maybe the best way.  In the Hawaiian language, it can mean hello or goodbye. It also means love and affection.  The main purpose of the word Aloha is to serve as a reminder to treat people with deep care and respect.  

Mr. Hogan Day

Submitted by angela.killian on

Friday, September 23rd, is Mr. Hogan's last day at Mt. Loafer Elementary.  We would like to honor him on Thursday, September 22nd by having a Mr. Hogan Day.  We are asking all faculty and students to come to school dressed as a school custodian: blue jeans, blue shirt, keys on the belt loop, and hiking boots are Mr. Hogan's usual school attire.  Let's show Mr. Hogan we love him and will miss him! 

Neon Day

Submitted by angela.killian on

Got school spirit? Well then, let's hear it!!!  On Wednesday, September 14th, Mt. Loafer Elementary students and faculty let their school spirit "shine"  by coming to school dressed in very bright colors from head to toe!  This was the first of many spirit days that make school memories so precious and allows students to show involvement and support to the school.  The 2011-2012 school year at Mt. Loafer looks very "bright!!"

Mt. Loafer Reading Program

Submitted by angela.killian on

As we begin another school year, we want to make you aware of the reading program.  Each grade level has a different monthly reading requirement:

  • 1st grade-minimum of 300 minutes
  • 2nd grade-minumum of 400 minutes
  • 3rd grade-minimum of 400 minutes
  • 4th grade-minimum of 500 minutes
  • 5th grade-minimum of 600 minutes
  • 6th grade-minimum of 600 minutes

Ways to make time for reading...