Parent Newsletter

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Hello, Grizzly Families! 

Time is winding down quickly and the last day of school is approaching fast! We would love to have had it end differently, but we hope you know how much we have loved teaching your child and having him/her here at Mt. Loafer.  It is certainly a year we will never forget and I hope you have had your child record his/her thoughts and feelings during this history-making year! I can't thank you, our teachers/staff and community enough for the incredible work that has been done!

Resilient Utah- Wash My Hands Challenge

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on
Wash My Hands Challenge


The Challenge is simple:

      • Watch the video and learn the song  (
      • Film your own creative video using the song
      • Post on social media using the hashtag above
      • Challenge your friends to do the same  

People of all ages can make the video on their own. Videos can feature individuals, kids, teens, parents, grandparents, pets..

13 days and Finishing Strong!

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Just wanted to tell you we are proud of you your efforts and your hard work. Hang in there grizzly families we have 13 more days of online learning. 

We are cheering for you, keep up the great efforts and let's finish this year United in the Climb! 

Thank A Teacher

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

May 4th-8th is National Teacher Appreciation Week and Mt. Loafer Elementary truly has THE BEST teachers! Take a minute to give your teacher a shout out and tell him or her Thank You! WE LOVE OUR TEACHERS! 

Summer Reading Opportunity

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

The Utah Valley University K-12 Reading Program has opened early, reduced rates, and converted all classes to a live online format, to help parents and schools maintain student education during these unusual times.

UVU's live, teacher-led online classes are available now and throughout the summer, for Pre-K through 12th grade students. 

Nebo Parent Letter April 15, 2020

Submitted by jill.hanks on

April 15, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:

As you may have heard, Governor Herbert and State Superintendent Sydnee Dickson have extended the “soft school closure” until the end of the school year.  Although we are disappointed that we will not be able to work with students in our usual manner, we understand why the decision was made and fully support them.  That being said, we now will need to address a variety of very unique situations.

The Great Shake Out- 4/16/20 10:00am

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

2020 Great Utah Shake Out – April 16 2020          10:00 A.M.   We invite all families to participate and  DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON!

Federal, state, and local emergency management experts and other official preparedness organizations all agree that “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” is the appropriate action to reduce injury and death during earthquakes.  The Great Utah ShakeOut is our opportunity to practice how to protect ourselves during earthquakes.