Friendship Week

Submitted by kyle.staheli on

Monday- “How I can be a friend”- Heart banners created & hung in main school hallway

Tuesday- “Get to know you day”- Wear your favorite color to school

Wednesday- “How to keep a friend”- Friendly notes exchanged with classes

Thursday- “Friends of all ages”- Activities with our older/younger friends

Friday- “Stand by your friend”- Wear Crazy socks to school. Maddie Wilson will be visiting our school for a fun assembly.

January CLIMBers of the Month!

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Congratulations to the following students selected as January's CLIMBers of the Month! These Students were chosen because of their excellent academic and citizenship performance. We appreciate each of you demonstrating your abilities to CLIMB at Mt. Loafer.

C- Care for Others: SAvannah King, Bryleigh Shove, Allie Hicks, Berklee Warenski, Mya Hafen, Bridger Mathie, Adelynn Gray

Mental Health Parent Awareness Nights

Submitted by kyle.staheli on

Nebo School District will be hosting a series of Parent Awareness Nights. The topics of discussion will include mental health and safety planning with youth. Several community service providers will be present to answer question and help individuals to access services. See the event flyer for more information.


BYU Sports Hero Day

Submitted by kyle.staheli on

Our Mt. Loafer 6th Graders had the opportunity this week to attend the BYU Sports Hero day. There were just shy of 1,000 6th grade students that attended this event. 

The students participated in various stations put together by almost all of the BYU athletics teams. Each station had an activity that was led by athletes from the respective sport, giving the students the opportunity to interact with their BYU sports heroes.

December CLIMBers of the Month

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Congratulations to the following students selected as December's CLIMBers of the Month! These Students were chosen because of their excellent academic and citizenship performance. We appreciate each of you demonstrating your abilities to CLIMB at Mt. Loafer.

C- Care for Others: Adam Yancey, Dayde Elton, Adyson Miller, Emily Christean, Brynn Robinson, Mia Johnson, Grae Richardson, Darl Struthers

Why I Teach Tuesday!

Submitted by kyle.staheli on

Here are a few of our Mt. Loafer teachers telling us why they teach, or sharing a quote that inspires them to teach.

Mrs. Hanks

Be delightful in believing that what we do in the classroom could possibly echo for a lifetime in the heart of a student - Robert John Mecham

Mrs. McGinnis

The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.


January Parent Conference Reminder

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Welcome to January SEP Conferences!    This year we had you sign up for your child's SEP Conference that will be the same TIME for the whole year! We will send out the link at each conference so you can adjust your times or be reminded of the time you previously signed up for. Our SEP Conferences are scheduled for,  January 11th from 3:30-8:30.