Healthy Habits

Submitted by angela.killian on

Third grade is learning about personal hygiene.   How would you feel if Mr. Bradley showed up for school like this every day? 

N.O.V.A. Graduation

Submitted by angela.killian on

N.O.V.A. is a program taught to the 5th grade.  This program runs for 15 weeks and is taught by a Salem Police Officer.  The mission of the N.O.V.A is Nurturing youth to seek out positive Opportunities, internalize good Values, and accept Accountablility for their choices in life. 

Snow Day Reward!!!

Submitted by jodi.mckee on

Good citizens at Mt. Loafer LOVED the reward activity which included sledding down the perfect Mt. Loafer sledding hill followed by warm cocoa and a yummy doughnut!  Smiles were everywhere during this fun activity shared among friends.

Ken Garff Reading Winners Announced!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Friday was a special day for Abby Haskell and Sam Levie!  Abby and Sam won the drawing from Ken Garff.  All those students who have been reading and have met the monthly grade level goals were able to put their names into a drawing for a bike.   Thanks to Ken Garff for supporting our readers! Keep reading, Mt. Loafer Grizzlies!  

BYU Sports Hero Day

Submitted by jodi.mckee on

Our Mt. Loafer 6th Graders had the opportunity this week to attend the BYU Sports Hero day. There were just shy of 1,000 6th grade students that attended this event. 

The students participated in various stations put together by almost all of the BYU athletics teams. Each station had an activity that was led by athletes from the respective sport, giving the students the opportunity to interact with their BYU sports heroes.

We Saved Thousands of Trees

Submitted by jodi.mckee on

Mt. Loafer will no longer have a recycle bin due to the fact that the company in charge of the bin needs to relocate it.  But thank you to all those who have recycled papers!  Our student council recycled for the last time today and were delighted as the amount of recycling was taller than they were.

Mt. Loafer SEP Conferences

Submitted by angela.killian on

Conferences are Thursday, January 14th from 3:30 PM-8:45 PM.  Click the links provided to sign up.  

Sign-up for 1st & 2nd Grade, UEI

Sign-up for Preschool, 3rd-6th Grade


Utah Valley Student of the Week: Dylan Whiting

Submitted by angela.killian on

Dylan Bryan Whiting, 12, is from Salem and attends Mt. Loafer Elementary. He was selected as the Daily Herald's Utah Valley Student of the Week.

Dylan is in Ms. Harris' sixth grade class and has excelled while he has been at Mt. Loafer for the last 1.5 years. His teachers commented that he turns in all of his homework and goes out of his way to check for missing work. They believe it is because of his work ethic that he has come so far academically. The teachers at Mt. Loafer are very proud of him.