PIG OUT DAY in First Grade!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

The first grade students had a  practically perfect Pig Day, playing pig games, posing as pigs, pigging out, and petting real pigs!  It was a special day to focus on the letter “P” and to see and hear all the words that begin with “P”.  Our special faculty member, Collette Russell, arranged to have some baby piglets come to class to let the first grade students see, touch, and especially smell the little porkers!  It was a fun day for the first grade!  


Submitted by larraine.nelson on

February 22 marks the day for TWIN DAY at Mt. Loafer!  Many of the students dressed up the same to show support for good friendship, and looking for the good examples that we want to have and to be like!  The students had a fun time dressing the same on this Fun Friday!

Fifth Grade Science Fair

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

The fifth grade students have been experimenting, hypothesizing, and analyzing  to find the perfect science project.  Their science fair was Friday and they brought their displays with information to share with the rest of the school.  The projects were judged and the winners will go on to the District Competition.  The winners are:  (Front Row) Josh McKee, Stockton Haskell, Gabe Jamison, Dylan Mecham. (Middle Row) Rebekah Jensen, Bree Riding, Eli Adamson, Kyler Holman. (Top Row) Bree Hendry, Bryn Riley, Paisley Bills, Katie Farley, Tyler Levi.



Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Valentine's Day at Mt. Loafer!  There were lots of special hearts, candy, and notes passed around for Valentine's Day!  The students enjoyed this special day letting their peers know how special they all are!  We are lucky to have such great students at Mt. Loafer!

Candy Grams!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Our fifth grade students have been working hard during the month of February.  Every year during the week before Valentine’s Day, they put together ‘Candy Grams!’ These candy grams are made up of a little Valentine card with a candy kiss attached to it.  They are sold for $.25 and the money goes to a special-needs  project.  The students love this week and love sending their friends their love with a special note!  Thanks to the fifth grade students and to their teachers, Mrs. Naccarato, Mrs. Dewey, Mrs. Brady, and Mrs. Wear.  



Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Our students had a very special Club Day on Friday.  It was a Career Club Day and many presenters came to share what they do for a living.  There were nurses, a firefighter, a homemaker, dog owners, an athletic director, writers, illustrators, hair stylists, a pilot, doctors, dentists, and many more!  The students had a great time learning about different careers and what they just might be when they grow up!

January Students of the Month

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Mt. Loafer is happy to announce their January Students of the Month.  These students have done a great job setting a good example for their friends and we appreciate their cooperation in school!  Congratulations to the following students:  Front row—Camary Lofthouse, Aspen Youd, Dot Thomas, Mykenna Moore, Preston Stansfield, Colton Peterson, Blake Schultz.

Student Council Workshop

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Our great student council had a fun lunchtime activity learning about teamwork, leadership responsibilities, and having fun!  In the fall, our officers were able to attend a workshop at BYU.  Today, the officers shared what they had learned at the conference.  It was a fun activity and our officers did a great job planning and preparing for this activity!

100 DAY!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Friday marked a very special day at Mt. Loafer--100 DAY!  Students were encouraged to dress up as if they were 100 years old!  Many of the students celebrated the day participating in fun 100 day projects and activities!  We even had reporters from the Daily Herald come and write a story about our great school on this special day!