Submitted by larraine.nelson on

On Tuesday, October 16th, our school celebrated a special day just for our principal-Mrs. Killian!  Mrs. Killian has done such an awesome job leading our school!  Many students had some fun things to say about her:

Kevin Strickland said, "She is nice and a good principal.  She is a good person."

Paisley Bills said, "She's awesome!"

Katie Baker said, "She is always willing to help."

Lincoln Van Tassell said, "She's fun!

Luke Reynolds said, "She's really nice!"

Dylan McEwan said, "She always helps a lot!"

Popular Participation with Parents and Pastries!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Wednesday, October 17th,  the students and many of their parents came early to school to read books and eat a doughnut together.  The PTO sponsored this special event to promote reading for our students at Mt. Loafer!  What a way to start the day--reading and eating!  We want to thank all the parents who participated with this activity and a very special thanks to our great PTO!

Mt. Loafer Artist Hall of Fame

Submitted by angela.killian on

Mt. Loafer Elementary's Art Specialist is Mrs. Kris Bluth. Kris is an important part of the students education experience. She is teaching that artistic education is part of being a well-rounded person. The discipline, creative problem-solving, patience, and productivity that must be used in order to create a piece of art are life skills that anyone can benefit from learning, particularly at an early age.

Parents and Pastries

Submitted by angela.killian on

It is not uncommon for parents to eat breakfast with their children, though they usually do it at home.  But on October 17th, from 8:00-9:00 a.m., we invite you to join us to snack on doughnuts, sip milk, and read stories with your children.  Twice a year, Mt. Loafer's PTO sponsors this event.  The aim is encouraging more parental participation at the school.  This event strengthens the home-school connection, so come join us!!

Student Council Attends Leadership Conference!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

The student council officers were able to attend a Student Council Leadership Conference at BYU last week.  Our president, Trey Stephens, along with Leah Neria, Emily Stevens, Kyra Mickelsen, Paige Paxton, and Kenzie Wilkinson,  learned a lot about being a leader, participated in team building activities, and had fun meeting other students who were also involved in student council.  There were also excellent speakers, like John Bytheway, Ryan Radebaugh, Brent Barton, Brent Burnham, Darroll Young, and Mike Cottam, who did a wonderful job presenting ideas that will help our cou


Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Mt. Loafer students had a fun day, Friday, wearing their pajamas to school!  This day was the last day of our Red Ribbon Week and the students got  to just relax, wind down, and watch a fun movie in class!   The students were given popcorn for a treat, thanks to our awesome PTO!  Our students have learned that there are much better things to do than to do drugs!  Thanks, Mt. Loafer students, for finding better things to do than drugs and for making a difference by saying "NO" to drugs!

Red Ribbon Sports Day!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Our students at Mt. Loafer had a great day celebrating ways they can be active and participate in sports instead of doing drugs.  We want to be active and healthy and our students showed their enthusiasm for that by dressing up in their favorite sport's outfit!  Our students also drew wonderful pictures of what they would rather be doing with their time than being involved with drugs.  Good job Mt. Loafer Grizzlies!

Skyhawk Students Set the Stage for Our Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

The students at Mt. Loafer Elementary started their RED RIBBON WEEK with special help from students from Salem Hills High School!  The theme for Red Ribbon Week is "I've got Better Things to Do Than Drugs."  The Skyhawks shared what they would rather be doing than drugs and gave examples of playing soccer, tennis, basketball, softball, and being involved with music.  Cole Castleberry and Michael Goodman, both from the student body council, performed a musical number for the Mt. Loafer Grizzlies.