SEP Conferences

Submitted by angela.killian on

Student Education Plan Conferences (SEP's) are an important component of ongoing home–school communication and family involvement in children's education. Our Student Education Plan Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 3rd, and Thursday, October 4th.

We are experimenting with an online website called SignUpGenius.  You will be getting an invite which should allow you to visit the website, find your child’s teacher (s), and sign-up for the time that is most convenient to your individual schedule.  If you have not received the invite, please contact the office and we will help you.

The fifth and sixth grade teachers names will be absent from the list.  They will be holding SEP Conferences in the gym and you may visit them at your convenience.  Mrs. Peterson’s name is also absent from the list.  She will be scheduling her own conferences.  We look forward to meeting with you!