The Best ME is Drug Free

Submitted by angela.killian on

Mt. Loafer students and teachers observed Red Ribbon week September 29th - October 3rd.  Mt. Loafer Grizzlies are committed in adopting a drug-free lifestyle.  The week ended with teachers competing in a lip-sync contest.

Why Are We Here and What Do We Hope To Accomplish?

Submitted by angela.killian on

Every Wednesday afternoon, from 2:45 pm to 3:45 pm, Mt. Loafer teachers come together to think about how to best act on behalf of Mt. Loafer students.  Teachers look at student work, evaluate their lessons, and aren't content until every area of where students aren’t doing well is erased and we are helping all students really be successful.  Watch Mt. Loafer teachers in action and making academic decisions on behalf of our students!

Happy Birthday Landon Clarke Hughes!

Submitted by angela.killian on

On September 21st, 1998 a healthy baby boy was born to Alan and Dayna Hughes.  The Hughes' had been married for 15 years, and, unable to have any children of their own, had already adopted two beautiful girls, Lauren and Mallory.  But, without warning, Landon died in an unfortunate drowning accident.  Dayna and Alan wondered how they could honor their son and keep his memory alive.  They decided to set up a special place in their daughters' school library where children could come to read and relax, and where the love of reading and learning would be encouraged.

Apples Crunchy, Apples Sweet, Apples Are So Good To Eat!

Submitted by angela.killian on

The first grade curriculum was focused on apples Friday, September 19th.   Apple day featured activities and ideas for all areas of the curriculum.  Students graphed apples by color and variety, wrote recipes for homemade applesauce, learned of the seasons of the apple tree, measure and counted and weighed apples, made apple prints and more!  What a fun day!

Mt. Loafer ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Submitted by angela.killian on

Several teachers at Mt. Loafer were challenged to complete the ALS ice bucket challenge.  This challenge has special meaning for two Mt. Loafer staff members; Mrs. Pruitt, our school secretary, and Mrs. Waite, our crossing guard, both of whom have family members who have passed away from ALS.  We are grateful to support our loving faculty! 

Flag Raising Ceremony

Submitted by angela.killian on

The very first annual Flag Raising Ceremony was held at Mt. Loafer Elementary School on Friday, August 22, 2014.  The student body officers reminded students that the colors of the flag symbolize loyalty, purity, and valor.  Students and faculty joined in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and singing of the National Anthem.  Students, teachers, and parents are asked to remember the meaning of our flag each time they pass by.  May we have a bright and shining school year!