Last Call for T-Shirt Orders and Expressions Entries

Submitted by jill.hanks on
T Shirt orders
Expressions flyer

Friday, January 12th is an important day!  This will be the last day for students to order a school t-shirt and to submit a project for the Expressions Art Contest.  Please read the details below for more information about both deadlines. 

Expressions Art Contest:

- Projects Due Friday by 3pm

- Physical projects must be here at the school AND google form submitted. We judge first thing next week, so this deadline will not be as flexible as in years past. Projects will be collected in Room 350 or the PTO will come around on Friday afternoon to collect them from your classroom. PLEASE do not have students drop them off at the office. :)

Here is the google form link for ALL submissions:


LAST CALL for ‘23-‘24 T-shirts:

The website will close Friday at 3pm so numbers can be submitted for production. Shirts are estimated to be ready and sent home end of January. This is our last batch for the school year.

The order link is here: