Great Salt Lake Bird Festival

Submitted by kyle.staheli on

Please check out this awesome oppurtunity. 

The 21st annual Great Salt Lake Bird Festival is pleased to announce the 2019 Student Art Contest and Student Photography contests.  These contests are open to Utah students Pre-K through 12 grade and offer cash awards

Weekly Parent Newsletter 2/11/19

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

*Welcome to Friendship Week (February 11-15): HUGE shout out to Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Bradley and our PTO for organizing our Friendship week activities. Please make note of the following activities. 

Monday 2/11- catch a friend: Service Project #1 Students will be making valentines to deliver to the elderly in our community. Our grade levels will collaborate on this activity and create cards, videos and songs to deliver and share with the local Senior Citizens Center, the Beehive Home and other local agencies. 

Valentine Candy Grams

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Fifth Grade is selling Valentine Candy Grams from now until Valentine's Day!

Send the one you love a message and a treat delivered to their class for $.25 each.

They will be for sale before school and during lunch in the East Atrium.

All profit from the candy grams is donated to a family or individual in need. It's a great cause and a very loved tradition at Mt. Loafer! 

Parent Newsletter 1/28/19-2/1/19

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Parent Newsletter

1/28/19 Thank you for your support of our sledding day on Friday! The students had a great time and our hill was FAST moving! Hopefully the donuts and hot chocolate settled them all in for a perfect weekend. Many thanks go to our teachers and support staff on making this day happen and supporting our fun adventures as a school. 

Weekly Parent Newsletter 1/22/19-1/25/19

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

WEATHER PERMITTING: *Sledding Day will be FRIDAY, January 25th. Each grade level will be sledding outside on the hill, as is tradition at Mt. Loafer. Please send your child with sledding appropriate attire on this date. Each grade level will be allocated a 30 minute time frame where they will get to sled on the South hill at the school. Students will then receive donuts and hot chocolate to warm up after their fun. Students are encouraged to bring sleds and tubes. No snowboards, skis, or ski bottom sleds will be permitted. Please put your name on your sled/tube.

Bright Ideas Saturdays!

Submitted by kyle.staheli on
Bright Ideas Saturdays are coming up! January 26, February 23, and March 23, from 8:30-12:00, at Larsen Elementary School.  The cost is just $15 per class or $35 for all three! Our theme this year is Innovation Station-assemble build and create! Register online at See the attached printable handout for more information. Thank you! 

Weekly Parent Newsletter 1/14/19-1/18/19

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Thank you for supporting our Parent Conferences last Thursday! We had a great experience meeting with you to celebrate your kids!- If you missed your time or you were not able to make it to visit your child’s teacher please feel free to reach out to them individually and they will schedule a conference time with you. For future planning, our third and final conference of the year will be held March 7th. This will be one week before the end of the term.