Download Nebo’s Infinite Campus Mobile App

Submitted by jill.hanks on

The Infinite Campus App is the most effective tool for parents, students, and other community members to stay engaged and stay connected to critical school-related information anywhere and anytime from a mobile device.

The easy-to-use design app allows you to see what is happening in the classroom so you can understand, monitor, and participate in the educational process.

Campus Student and Campus Parent are designed to provide real-time access to student information.

Download the Mobile App now.

Missing Your Mask?

Submitted by jill.hanks on

We have started quite the collection of face coverings in the lost and found.  Mrs. Roundy, our amazing custodian, has laundered them for us and they have been hung in the hall near the main office.  If you think one of these may belong to you, stop by and pick it up!

Thank you for remembering to send a clean face covering and water bottle with each of your students every day.


Mt. Loafer Student Council 2020-2021

Submitted by jill.hanks on

This week, fifty amazing fifth graders ran for student council.  Hours of hard work went into making posters and writing essays in order to be eligible.  We are proud of ALL the students who participated!    

In the end, the students voted and chose Dax Anderson, Ezra Haskell, Allie Hicks, Brooke Ludwig, and Luke Porter as the five representatives.  These students will do a great job serving Mt. Loafer this year.  Congratulations!   

Mt. Loafer Elementary Parent Newsletter 9/2/20

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

We are off to another great adventure this week! We appreciate your support and your help as we are all adjusting to this new norm. The students are doing amazingly well and have worked hard to adjust their altitude and believe that with the right mindset, we can CLIMB any mountain. 

United In The CLIMB

Did you hear about the mission and vision? Our school has a mission and vision! We have a guiding document that gives us a direction. Why do we need a direction, you ask?

Mt. Loafer Elementary Parent Newsletter 8/25/20

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

We had such a great first week of school and I could not be more proud of the way these little Grizzlies handled all the new rules and regulations regarding face to face learning. They mastered the outdoor picnics, mask wearing, hand washing and walking down the hallways traveling on the right hand side all with ease! I was so proud of them and continue to be every single day we are faced with new obstacles and challenges. Wish us luck today as we hold our first fire drill of the year!