Experts Share Knowledge About Counties in Utah

Submitted by jodi.mckee on

Asking a fourth grade expert what is the coolest thing about the county they researched was a great way to learn interesting facts about Utah!  Students have learned about counties as they have worked on a mapping unit, wrote reports at school, and learned to research on the internet and create a google slide presentation.  Parents also joined in the learning by helping students create a display about their county.  What do you call a day where parents come and ask students what they have learned and look at a display of their work?

Keep the Villians Out of the Water Supply

Submitted by jodi.mckee on

There are 'villians' that can ruin our local supply of drinking water!  However, the good news is we can beat them if we are smart.  Jenny Devlin, from Utah Storm Water Coalition taught Mt. Loafers students ways they can stop the villians from ruining our local water supply.  Each student went home with a raindrop, workbook, and pencil to help them remember the importance of being a responsible 'water' citizen!  Thank you Mrs. Devlin!

Art Education Matters!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Study of fine arts educates the whole child.  Here are the Mt. Loafer 6th grade teacher learning from Claudia Jex, Nebo School District Elementary Art Specialist, how to integrate arts within the learning environment and curriculum. 

4th Grade Visits the Capitol!

Submitted by jodi.mckee on

Fourth Grade loves to go on a field trip to the Capitol building.  They were able to sit in the Supreme Court, see the Senate Chambers, House Chambers, and the Governor's room.  Prior to the tour of the capitol building students also spent time in the exploring the Daughter's of Utah Pioneers Museum.  This was a great ending to social studies units about government and pioneers.