Ghoulish Games, Freaky Fun, Frightening Food!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Don't let the chilly weather dampen your Halloween spirits!  Come to the Mt. Loafer PTO Halloween Carnival! The PTO is getting ready for fabulous fun! Parent helpers are putting in hours and hours of preparation! The festivities will run from 5:00 PM-8:00 PM.  Tickets are $1 each OR 30 tickets for $25 OR 60 tickets for $45. Activities will include a spook alley, animal show, games, food, book basket auction, and lots of fun!  

So You Think You Can Dance?!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Mrs. Betteridge, our PE specialist, knows how to get kids to move and be active...DANCE!   It's fun!  It's creative! It's non-competitive!  It builds coordination and flexibility!  Everyone participates!  What a great way to get kids moving!  Thanks, Mrs. Betteridge!

Super Students

Submitted by angela.killian on

Every Wednesday, students trade ten "Great Grizzlies" for a token.  Students exhange their tokens for toys. Teachers reward students with "Great Grizzlies" for following rules and displaying good behavior in the classroom, rewarding hard work in the classroom, homework completion, attendance and punctuality, acts of kindness, lunchroom/hall behavior, and more!  

Student Council Serves Us Well

Submitted by jodi.mckee on

Student Council is busy working to serve Mt. Loafer and make it a better place.  Student council makes morning announcements, gathers recycling materials, takes new students on a welcome tour, and leads the way at assemblies.  Thank you for setting an example of service!

Student Council Attends Leadership Conference

Submitted by jodi.mckee on

Mt. Loafer Student Council enjoyed a day of leadership training from some of the best!  John Bytheway, Nathan Osmond, Ryan Radebaugh, and Brent Burnham were some of the presenters who were there to share their knowledge. Students interacted with other youth from all over Utah County.  At Mt. Loafer, our student leaders are learning that to lead, means to serve and think about others.

Learning to Love Math!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Is there a way to get students to LOVE math?  YES!  Sixth grade teachers are tapping into technology.  Watch as one 6th grade student explains how her small group is using technology to solve real-life problems.   

The Best Me From HEAD to TOE!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Red Ribbon Week is a fun week to recognize that one can lead a fulfilling, happy life without the dangers of drugs and alcohol.  Teachers and students dressed in their "best" from head to toe! :) Take a peek at the crazy socks and crazy hair!  What a fun day!