Fun, Wet, Field Day

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Mt. Loafer Students cooled off for the day as they celebrated the end of another great year!  The PTO went to special efforts to make sure the students stayed cool and wet as they prepared games and activities that included a lot of WATER!  Students enjoyed the events and appreciated all that our woderful PTO has done for them this year!

Sixth Grade Graduation!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Mt. Loafer Sixth Grade Students are saying good-bye to elementary school!  These fine students will be on their way to junior high school next fall!  They have worked hard this year and have completed 7 years of elementary classwork!  Now they will venture on to new and exciting challenges, meet new friends, and find new interests as they start another chapter in their lives!  We wish them the best of luck for their future!  Great job, Sixth Grade Grizzlies!  We will miss you!

New Student Council for 2014-2015 School Year!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Mt. Loafer is excited to present the new student council for the 2014-2015 school year.  These students will lead Mt. Loafer and plan fun activity days and events.  They will also be in charge of taking care of certain jobs, such as recycling, the school store, students of the month, spirit days, and the bulletin board!  We're excited to have such great students help and serve our school!

Spring Showcase

Submitted by angela.killian on

It's time to say good-bye. 

Our year has come to an end. 

We've collected cherished memories and many more new friends. 

It's with Happy memories we send them out the door. 

With great hope and expectations for what next year holds in store.

Student Council Officers for 2014-2015

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Mt. Loafer is excited to announce the new Student Council Officers for the 2014-2015 school year!  These students did a great job campaigning for the Officer position and will do a great job next year!  They are:  Front row—Megan Turner, Lexie Bishop—Vice President, and Kaiti Baker.  Back row—Gunner Higginson, Conner Houghton—President, and Stone Cushing.

Teachers Take to the Golden Thrones!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

The Mt. Loafer teachers took to the “golden thrones”  as they raced each other around the gym for a reward assembly for the students!  There was no “flushing”  the scene for these teachers as they chased each other and “plunged”  their way to finish line!  Keep up the great work, Mt. Loafer students and teachers!


The Wonderful Walk-a-Thon

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

Mt. Loafer students wore out the grass, Friday, as they circled the field for the Mt. Loafer Walk-a-Thon!  Students, along with some very ambitious  parents, ran, jogged, walked, and talked in an effort to help raise money for the school!  Students enjoyed music as they walked and were able to stop at stations and get oranges, bananas, and treats.  For each mile they completed, they also received fun rewards, such as buttons, visors, frisbees, and water bottles!  We appreciate the students for their efforts in making Mt.

March Students of the Month!

Submitted by larraine.nelson on

We are so happy to celebrate those students who were chosen as Students of the Month for March!  These Great Grizzlies have demonstrated great behavior in their classrooms as well as for the whole school!  Keep up the great work, Grizzlies!